Find out how employees view today’s world of work
The world is facing a new global challenge: a skills shortage. Companies worldwide have a mission-critical issue with recruitment and retention. The causes are multiple – ranging from changing demographics to a lack of investment in training and development and employees’ evolving attitudes towards work.
Download People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View and you’ll gain important insights into what over 32,000 employees in 17 countries really think about — and want from — work.
This ADP Research Institute® study provides invaluable intelligence to positively impact the way you recruit, reward and, crucially, retain the right people. For a start, it shows that keeping your workforce happy and motivated goes way beyond the salary and financial benefits on offer.
Workers require a new ’total package’
This means you need to adopt an innovative approach to engagement, job security and job satisfaction for your team.
Although easing, inflation continues to be a concern around the world. Pay, career progression and professional development are all essential, of course. But as this study shows, so is enabling your team to achieve a happy work-life balance while helping them take better care of their mental health, wellbeing and families. Nearly half (47%) of those taking part in our research say their work suffers due to poor mental health.
Companies’ values are likewise coming under scrutiny — diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), for example, is increasingly important to staff and influences many people’s decisions to join or stay with an employer. However, only around half (53%) would say ‘my company has got better at diversity and inclusion compared to three years ago.’

The world faces a chronic skills shortage
Get the knowledge you need to hold on to talent.
Download ReportOptimism’s high but uncertainties remain
While the study shows the world’s workforce displaying a surprisingly positive outlook, with nearly 87% of respondents feeling optimistic about the future, almost four in 10 workers (37%) don’t feel secure in their jobs.
In an economic environment where too many vacancies are chasing too few suitably qualified candidates, the risk is people will walk away if dissatisfied in their current role. In fact, just over 60% of workers have considered a career change over the past year.
So, can you deliver what’s most important to your workforce and meet your business goals? Why not start that process by reading this influential study? You’ll discover we’ve done all the analysis for you — from asking the right questions to unpacking the often intriguing and surprising answers.
People at Work 2023: A Global Workforce View will help guide your thinking around the key employment issues and how to address them, so you can mitigate the risk of skills shortages adversely impacting your business.
The key findings in this year’s research include:
- Current economic uncertainties mean 62% of workers don’t believe any sector will escape its effects
- As many people are expecting a pay rise this year (62%) as say salary is their most important reason for working (61%)
- Stress has an adverse impact on workplace performance for 65% of employees
- Flexibility of location (17%) and hours (29%) have been surpassed in importance by other factors, such as job security (43%).
To discover what workers want and how you might deliver it, download this ADPRI report.